Brandt Dary's Christian Testimony
I remember going to church sometimes for easter when I was younger. Actually that's the only time I remember going to church, at least for Sunday service. I had been to church a few more times if you count the weddings and funerals. Even though I didn't read the Bible or go to church that often as a child I always new there was a God. We listened to music at Christmas time and set up the "Baby Jesus Nativity scene" but I certainly didn't know what it all meant. Sometimes we said prayers before dinner, if we were not in public, or with relatives that didn't say prayers. My mom told me that God was good and that the Devil was bad. I grew up thinking that "good" people went to heaven and "bad people" went to Hell.
When I was about 17 I was invited by my friend Dan to go to Church. I was very skeptical about this because I had thought that church was a trendy group and that it served no purpose. I also didn't really like Christians because I thought they were wasting their time, and certainly doing a lot more judging of others than good living themselves.
This is how I remember that night. I was excited I went because there were a lot of cute girls my age and as I recall there was free food, although it was only crackers and grape juice. After worshiping a God that I wasn't too sure about, the pastor asked all of us some questions. I remember it like he was talking just to me. He asked, "Do you feel like you're missing something in your life?" Sure, I thought. He asked, "Does it feel like you've got a hole in your heart?" And surely it did. Then he said "Have you ever tried drinking, drugs, sex, to feel whole...?" I thought "No, should I?" He then said... "Do you want to feel whole, do you want a life of happiness and blessings?"
"This was sort of a loaded question... find me someone that doesn't" I thought. Of course I raised my hand as if to say, I'm Interested. Well then he shared with me the fact that I needed Jesus. He told me that Jesus died for my sins, and honestly I felt that Jesus made a mistake because I was a pretty good person. I didn't need Him to die for me, because I was a good person and on my way to heaven with or with out His death. But my pastor told me that if I would give my life to Christ and accept him as my personal lord and savior then I'd have a great life and feel better...
I can't believe how further from the truth that was. I remember that more than ever before I was getting in arguments with my friends and family about this whole Jesus thing. I tried to force this Jesus thing down all of my family members throats and recall being considered a religious fanatic. I told my oldest brother that his life would also be good if he'd only give his life to Christ, as I did. But he informed me that his life was already good, therefore he didn't need Jesus. I remember now that I was a Christian feeling guilty about all of these things I couldn't do anymore like steal music (ripping others CDs on my computer or download free music) I couldn't pay for one movie and then see many... I knew that drinking and partying was out of the question. Honestly, the whole christian thing was kind of a drag. But I kept going to youth group for the cute christian girls and it was something fun to do on a Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday night. Plus, it only lasted about 2 hours and it was sort of a cool way to see friends.
Because I was one of the oldest in my youth group, I appointed myself as a youth leader. I tried to live my life in a well behaved christian matter. I remember knowing that the way some of my friends were living their lives were not in accordance with the way the Bible teaches. It was as if some of my friends thought, "If Jesus died for my sins, I want to make is death worth it!"
March 23rd 2003 while living in Arizona, Kirk Cameron visited my church, Radiant Church. I had only been to this church a few times, off and on. But I knew that I wanted to go this weekend because Kirk would be there and I hadn't gotten a chance to see many celebrities in my life. If you don't know, Kirk was the star of those Left Behind movies and also played as Mike Sever on the show Growing Pains.
After Kirk Cameron was done telling us little bit about himself, he gave a much different 'gospel message' than I had ever heard. Again, I remember it as if he was just talking to me. He said that we should use the 10 Commandments (Exodus 20) as a mirror to look at ourselves. Using God's 10 commandments allows us to see our life and actions closer to how a Holy and Perfect God does, and not comparing our sin to the worlds views of right and wrong .
Kirk asked the audience questions without us closing our eyes and with no heads bowed. He asked about the 9th commandment, have you ever told a lie? I remember that he requested that the audience raise their hands. I raised my hand then because I surely would be a liar if I answered no to that one. I listened to my conscience and even realized that I had lied since I thought I given my life to Christ before then. Then he asked me what I was called if I told a lie... I knew that I was a liar. I had never thought of myself as a liar, in fact. Then he continued to the 8th commandment, asking if I'd ever stolen anything? I had to answer yes, I had certainly taken things that didn't belong to me. I remember that he even explained that the value of what you steal doesn't matter. He gave an example of just stealing one dollar from someone would still be stealing. He elaborated that if someone robbed a bank and then gave all of the money back, they would still be a thief. Therefore , I was a thief. He also helped me realize that even though much time had passed since I'd stolen something, I was still guilty, as time passing doesn't forgive a crime. This can be seen when the police catch a murderer 15 years after the murder was committed, the family and the court still demands justice. The judge doesn't look at the criminal and say "... that was a long time ago, have you been good since then?"
One of his next questions was regarding the 7th commandment, had I ever committed adultery. Finally one of the commandments that I had kept, or so I thought. Kirk reminded me that Jesus said "You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matthew 5:27. So of course I, being a 20 year old male, had to be honest with myself and more importantly God and admit that I had broken this law as well.
During Kirks questions, using God's 10 Commandments as his guide, I realized more things as well. That I had broken the 3rd commandment by using the Lords name in vain and carelessly. Kirk put it this way, instead of using a four letter cuss word to express my discuss, I had taken the name of my Holy Creator and used it instead. Never before had I felt so guilty of blasphemy. I realized that I had certainly not honored my mother and father (the 5th commandment) and that I was even guilty of the 6th commandment, committing murder, because Jesus said 'to hate someone without cause you are a murder' (Matthew 5:22) and also 'whoever hates his brother is a murderer' (1 John 3:15).
I guess the worst commandment I had broken was the 2nd commandment. "You shall not make for yourself an idol" Exodus 20:4. Up until that point, and especially when I was younger, I had created a god in my mind that didn't care about sin. When I went to church that first time, I was told that Jesus died for my sin, but I didn't even think that I was a sinner. The Bible says that 'God's wrath abides on you' (John 3:36) and that you are an 'enemy of God in your mind through evil behavior (Colossians 1:21).'
The Apostle Paul said "I had not known sin, but by the law. (Romans 7:7)" I can relate to this. I hadn't realized that I was truly a sinner, until I looked at God's Law and saw that I had broken them all (How have you done?). I had heard that everyone had fallen short of God's glory, but that was very impersonal for me. I knew that I had accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and SAVIOR, but I didn't really think that I needed a savior, because I didn't think that I was in trouble. It was only when I knew that I was on my way to Hell, that I was thankful that Jesus Christ died for my sin. That is to say, I broke the law, and Jesus paid my fine.
On that day I was soundly saved. I not only accepted Jesus, but was thankful that he died for my sins, which I, then more than ever before, realized and admitted I had committed. Then I knew that I definitely needed a savior. At that moment, I repented, turned away from my sin, and happily accepted Jesus as my Lord, well knowing that I needed a savior!
In being a Christian, which means like Christ, I realize that I am here on earth to seek and save the lost. Of course since I can't do it by dying on the cross, I must do it by teaching others about why Jesus came, which was to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). Like Jesus, when it comes to preaching the gospel, I must give law to the proud and grace to the humble (Luke 18:18, John 4:16).
To learn more about how to share your faith effectively, lovingly, biblically, the way Jesus did, you can visit . If anyone believes that Jesus died for them, and they don't share this great truth with others, then they should question if they are soundly saved. If we know something unlimited that is truly good, then we would share it with others.
If you've once called yourself a christian and feel like you've fallen away from your faith, then I beg of you to check out this site and check out your heart, and make the change in your life today! Realize that without coming to Jesus through repentance, you were never really saved. We can't honestly seek a savior unless we feel we are in danger. The Bible says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all knowledge" (Proverbs 9:10). Why would we fear the Lord? Because His wrath abides upon us (John 3:36) and the Bible says "It's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God!" (Hebrews 10:31)
Remember "Not everyone who says to [Jesus], 'Lord, Lord,' will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will of [God] who is in heaven. Many will say to [Jesus] on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy using your name, and by your name cast out demons, and by your name do many mighty works? And then [Jesus] will tell them plainly, "'I never knew you: go away from me, you doers of wickedness" Matthew 7:21-23
Saved by God's Grace,
~ brandt dary
When I was about 17 I was invited by my friend Dan to go to Church. I was very skeptical about this because I had thought that church was a trendy group and that it served no purpose. I also didn't really like Christians because I thought they were wasting their time, and certainly doing a lot more judging of others than good living themselves.
This is how I remember that night. I was excited I went because there were a lot of cute girls my age and as I recall there was free food, although it was only crackers and grape juice. After worshiping a God that I wasn't too sure about, the pastor asked all of us some questions. I remember it like he was talking just to me. He asked, "Do you feel like you're missing something in your life?" Sure, I thought. He asked, "Does it feel like you've got a hole in your heart?" And surely it did. Then he said "Have you ever tried drinking, drugs, sex, to feel whole...?" I thought "No, should I?" He then said... "Do you want to feel whole, do you want a life of happiness and blessings?"
"This was sort of a loaded question... find me someone that doesn't" I thought. Of course I raised my hand as if to say, I'm Interested. Well then he shared with me the fact that I needed Jesus. He told me that Jesus died for my sins, and honestly I felt that Jesus made a mistake because I was a pretty good person. I didn't need Him to die for me, because I was a good person and on my way to heaven with or with out His death. But my pastor told me that if I would give my life to Christ and accept him as my personal lord and savior then I'd have a great life and feel better...
I can't believe how further from the truth that was. I remember that more than ever before I was getting in arguments with my friends and family about this whole Jesus thing. I tried to force this Jesus thing down all of my family members throats and recall being considered a religious fanatic. I told my oldest brother that his life would also be good if he'd only give his life to Christ, as I did. But he informed me that his life was already good, therefore he didn't need Jesus. I remember now that I was a Christian feeling guilty about all of these things I couldn't do anymore like steal music (ripping others CDs on my computer or download free music) I couldn't pay for one movie and then see many... I knew that drinking and partying was out of the question. Honestly, the whole christian thing was kind of a drag. But I kept going to youth group for the cute christian girls and it was something fun to do on a Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday night. Plus, it only lasted about 2 hours and it was sort of a cool way to see friends.
Because I was one of the oldest in my youth group, I appointed myself as a youth leader. I tried to live my life in a well behaved christian matter. I remember knowing that the way some of my friends were living their lives were not in accordance with the way the Bible teaches. It was as if some of my friends thought, "If Jesus died for my sins, I want to make is death worth it!"
March 23rd 2003 while living in Arizona, Kirk Cameron visited my church, Radiant Church. I had only been to this church a few times, off and on. But I knew that I wanted to go this weekend because Kirk would be there and I hadn't gotten a chance to see many celebrities in my life. If you don't know, Kirk was the star of those Left Behind movies and also played as Mike Sever on the show Growing Pains.
After Kirk Cameron was done telling us little bit about himself, he gave a much different 'gospel message' than I had ever heard. Again, I remember it as if he was just talking to me. He said that we should use the 10 Commandments (Exodus 20) as a mirror to look at ourselves. Using God's 10 commandments allows us to see our life and actions closer to how a Holy and Perfect God does, and not comparing our sin to the worlds views of right and wrong .
Kirk asked the audience questions without us closing our eyes and with no heads bowed. He asked about the 9th commandment, have you ever told a lie? I remember that he requested that the audience raise their hands. I raised my hand then because I surely would be a liar if I answered no to that one. I listened to my conscience and even realized that I had lied since I thought I given my life to Christ before then. Then he asked me what I was called if I told a lie... I knew that I was a liar. I had never thought of myself as a liar, in fact. Then he continued to the 8th commandment, asking if I'd ever stolen anything? I had to answer yes, I had certainly taken things that didn't belong to me. I remember that he even explained that the value of what you steal doesn't matter. He gave an example of just stealing one dollar from someone would still be stealing. He elaborated that if someone robbed a bank and then gave all of the money back, they would still be a thief. Therefore , I was a thief. He also helped me realize that even though much time had passed since I'd stolen something, I was still guilty, as time passing doesn't forgive a crime. This can be seen when the police catch a murderer 15 years after the murder was committed, the family and the court still demands justice. The judge doesn't look at the criminal and say "... that was a long time ago, have you been good since then?"
One of his next questions was regarding the 7th commandment, had I ever committed adultery. Finally one of the commandments that I had kept, or so I thought. Kirk reminded me that Jesus said "You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matthew 5:27. So of course I, being a 20 year old male, had to be honest with myself and more importantly God and admit that I had broken this law as well.
During Kirks questions, using God's 10 Commandments as his guide, I realized more things as well. That I had broken the 3rd commandment by using the Lords name in vain and carelessly. Kirk put it this way, instead of using a four letter cuss word to express my discuss, I had taken the name of my Holy Creator and used it instead. Never before had I felt so guilty of blasphemy. I realized that I had certainly not honored my mother and father (the 5th commandment) and that I was even guilty of the 6th commandment, committing murder, because Jesus said 'to hate someone without cause you are a murder' (Matthew 5:22) and also 'whoever hates his brother is a murderer' (1 John 3:15).
I guess the worst commandment I had broken was the 2nd commandment. "You shall not make for yourself an idol" Exodus 20:4. Up until that point, and especially when I was younger, I had created a god in my mind that didn't care about sin. When I went to church that first time, I was told that Jesus died for my sin, but I didn't even think that I was a sinner. The Bible says that 'God's wrath abides on you' (John 3:36) and that you are an 'enemy of God in your mind through evil behavior (Colossians 1:21).'
The Apostle Paul said "I had not known sin, but by the law. (Romans 7:7)" I can relate to this. I hadn't realized that I was truly a sinner, until I looked at God's Law and saw that I had broken them all (How have you done?). I had heard that everyone had fallen short of God's glory, but that was very impersonal for me. I knew that I had accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and SAVIOR, but I didn't really think that I needed a savior, because I didn't think that I was in trouble. It was only when I knew that I was on my way to Hell, that I was thankful that Jesus Christ died for my sin. That is to say, I broke the law, and Jesus paid my fine.
On that day I was soundly saved. I not only accepted Jesus, but was thankful that he died for my sins, which I, then more than ever before, realized and admitted I had committed. Then I knew that I definitely needed a savior. At that moment, I repented, turned away from my sin, and happily accepted Jesus as my Lord, well knowing that I needed a savior!
In being a Christian, which means like Christ, I realize that I am here on earth to seek and save the lost. Of course since I can't do it by dying on the cross, I must do it by teaching others about why Jesus came, which was to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). Like Jesus, when it comes to preaching the gospel, I must give law to the proud and grace to the humble (Luke 18:18, John 4:16).
To learn more about how to share your faith effectively, lovingly, biblically, the way Jesus did, you can visit . If anyone believes that Jesus died for them, and they don't share this great truth with others, then they should question if they are soundly saved. If we know something unlimited that is truly good, then we would share it with others.
If you've once called yourself a christian and feel like you've fallen away from your faith, then I beg of you to check out this site and check out your heart, and make the change in your life today! Realize that without coming to Jesus through repentance, you were never really saved. We can't honestly seek a savior unless we feel we are in danger. The Bible says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all knowledge" (Proverbs 9:10). Why would we fear the Lord? Because His wrath abides upon us (John 3:36) and the Bible says "It's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God!" (Hebrews 10:31)
Remember "Not everyone who says to [Jesus], 'Lord, Lord,' will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will of [God] who is in heaven. Many will say to [Jesus] on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy using your name, and by your name cast out demons, and by your name do many mighty works? And then [Jesus] will tell them plainly, "'I never knew you: go away from me, you doers of wickedness" Matthew 7:21-23
Saved by God's Grace,
~ brandt dary