About Brandt Dary
In the beginning, I was born. The rest, as they say, is history. On November 18th, 1982 I came into this world; I don't remember much about that morning, as it was really early, and I'm not a morning person. I came in 3rd place following my older brothers Ryan and Tyler, which are 2 1/2 and 5 years older than me, respectively.
In school, I was not a stranger to discipline. Without exaggeration, I was suspended in the 5th through 9th grade over 100 times (with exaggeration, maybe 150 - 200). I didn't get suspended for fighting, bringing weapons, or other violent acts - I got suspended for talking; well, talking-back; being disrespectful, distracting, disruptive, and other things that start with 'dis'. Once I got into High School, I figured out how to stop getting into trouble; I dropped out. I actually dropped out of school twice; once in 10th grade, and then again in 11th (I gave a whole new meaning to the term 'Unsuccessful Drop-out'). I am not saying that I support dropping out of school, but it worked for me.
I am a father of four great kids, and a husband to one wife.
I am a born-again Christian, who loves Jesus Christ. I regularly attend church at The Trinity Church in Scottsdale, AZ.
As a father of four small children, things break around my house all the time. Each time it happens, I think "I wish I could find someone 'on Team Jesus' to help me fix this." -- This, along with the teaching of Galatians 6:10 inspired me to launch a new Christian Business Directory called 'on Team Jesus'. - onTeamJesus.com
I am on the journey of weight loss and coach others through Faithful Journey Fitness.
I wrote the books How to Outsmart the AI-Powered, Job-Snatching Robots: Your Guide to Prepare, Adapt, and Thrive and Weight Loss is for Losers: A Simple Diet & Lifestyle Guide to Gain or Perhaps Lose Weight
I was a software developer for 12 years building iOS apps for myself, and various Fortune 100 companies.
I've created a few videos on TikTok... I think I'm funny and it's a creative outlet.
For some strange reason... I have two websites ... here's Brandt Official.
For the rest of my 'story', read my testimony.
In school, I was not a stranger to discipline. Without exaggeration, I was suspended in the 5th through 9th grade over 100 times (with exaggeration, maybe 150 - 200). I didn't get suspended for fighting, bringing weapons, or other violent acts - I got suspended for talking; well, talking-back; being disrespectful, distracting, disruptive, and other things that start with 'dis'. Once I got into High School, I figured out how to stop getting into trouble; I dropped out. I actually dropped out of school twice; once in 10th grade, and then again in 11th (I gave a whole new meaning to the term 'Unsuccessful Drop-out'). I am not saying that I support dropping out of school, but it worked for me.
I am a father of four great kids, and a husband to one wife.
I am a born-again Christian, who loves Jesus Christ. I regularly attend church at The Trinity Church in Scottsdale, AZ.
As a father of four small children, things break around my house all the time. Each time it happens, I think "I wish I could find someone 'on Team Jesus' to help me fix this." -- This, along with the teaching of Galatians 6:10 inspired me to launch a new Christian Business Directory called 'on Team Jesus'. - onTeamJesus.com
I am on the journey of weight loss and coach others through Faithful Journey Fitness.
I wrote the books How to Outsmart the AI-Powered, Job-Snatching Robots: Your Guide to Prepare, Adapt, and Thrive and Weight Loss is for Losers: A Simple Diet & Lifestyle Guide to Gain or Perhaps Lose Weight
I was a software developer for 12 years building iOS apps for myself, and various Fortune 100 companies.
I've created a few videos on TikTok... I think I'm funny and it's a creative outlet.
For some strange reason... I have two websites ... here's Brandt Official.
For the rest of my 'story', read my testimony.