Matthew 9 - Jesus healed a paralytic after forgiving his sins. Jesus healed a woman with a blood flowing issue. Jesus brought back a rulers recently deceased daughter. (v. 37 - 38) The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, therefor pray to the Lord of harvest to send out laborers.
Genesis 9 - (v. 6) God supports the death penalty. (v. 8 - 17) The rainbow is a covenant between God and Man, and animals, never again to kill everything and everyone via flood waters. Noah died when he was 950 years old. Romans 9 - (v. 5) Christ is God over all. 1 Timothy 1 - (v. 8,9) The law is good if used lawfully, for the purpose which it was given, which is to show men their sinfulness and their need for a savior. Job 9 - Job wishes that there was someone in-between him and God. (v. 21) Job said he was blameless. This is confusing to me, unless he means specifically for this recent group of tragedies he has not done some specific sin to deserve them. Psalms 9 - God is good and He judges the nations. Proverbs 9 - (v. 10) the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom… Joshua 9 - Smart move, the people of Gibeon tricked Joshua and the leaders. They got crumbly bread, old wine skins and old sandals, and put them on to trick them and make them believe they were from a far country, and not, in fact, their neighbors. Joshua and the gang eventually found out and made them wood cutters and drawers of water to serve the people of God. They did it so they wouldn't be killed. Isaiah 9 - (v. 6) For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Jesus) (v. 17) when everyone is evil and godless, God doesn't have compassion on them. Acts 9 - Saul meets Jesus. Peter brought Dorcas back to life. Comments are closed.
AuthorI, Brandt Dary, am a normal Bible believing Christian with a heart to share the Biblical Gospel and teach others to do the same. I'm married to my beautiful wife Haleh and have four amazing kids. I live in Queen Creek, AZ. I make a living from Software Development. Archives
May 2019